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Professional Ladder Clamps

Don't take chances with cheap alterantives. Autorack ladder clamps are all 20g duty of care crash tested. See video here.

  • Ladder Clamp Wide-Hook (55-82mm bars):
    Part No: EC-WIDE

    New Easy Clamp+ with improved nickel alloy coated threads - 5 times the corrosion resistance and longer lasting than traditional zinc plating.EASY CLAMPS+ WIDE Van Ladder Clamps (2 clamps per pack)...
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  • Ladder Clamp Std-Hook ( Bars up to 58mm):
    Part No: EC-STANDARD

    New Easy Clamp+ with improved nickel alloy coated threads - 5 times the corrosion resistance and longer lasting than traditional zinc plating. EASY-CLAMPS Van Ladder Clamps (2 clamps per pack) -...
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    Replacement Wide Hooks. New Easy Clamp+ variant for Autumn 2024 with upgraded Nickel Alloy coating - 5 times the corrosion resistance to standard Zinc coatings and improved wear resistance. Only...
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  • Rhino 3.0m - Pipe Tube Unlined
    Part No: RP21

    Upgraded Pipe Tube Carrier with higher capacity and integral locks, perfect for copper pipe. The Rhino Products 3m Pipe Tube Pro is the perfect solution for the safe and secure...
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    Part No: HOOKSTND-EC

    Replacement Easyclamp Hooks - PAIR  - upto 55mm wide. Can be fitted to both standard and wide ladder clamps, so ideal if you have changed your roof rack or purchased...
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